Born elsewhere
Lives and works in Marseille / Paris.
Contact: s.buenoboutellier(at)
The Approach Gallery
DNSEP Villa Arson, Nice, FR
Diploma of Herbalism from ELPM, Lyon, FR
Has been touched in 2016 by the non-dual tradition through the teaching of Eric Baret, Tantric Yoga of Kashmir.
Since 2017 has been slowly embracing the teachings of Daniel Odier (Tandava, Tantra, Kaula of Kachemir )
Currently training as a DAYS yoga teacher (Tantric and Vinyasa Yoga) under the guidance of Mira Jamadi.
Solo Exhibitions (selected)
2021 Touche-Moi, La Friche -Tour du panorama, invitation FRAEME, Marseille, FR
2020 Je me perds et me repands…je suis l’écho de ton eau, Galerie Joseph Tang, Paris

2017 Le Don de Gaïa, The Approach, Londres, UK
2016 La ritournelle du peuple des cuisines, Fondation d'entreprise Ricard, Paris, FR
2015 Life seems unreal, can we go back to your place? Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich.
2014 They sing a song only you can hear, The Approach, Londres, UK
2013 Fiac, solo presentation with Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
Let me steal this moment from you now, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
2012 C‘est à crier tellement c‘est bleu, Circus, Berlin, DE
2011 Adriatique... 3 Heures du Matin, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
Pensée Sauvage, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen, DE
2010 Les Adorateurs des Bêtes, Circus, Berlin, DE
I was born for the purpose that crucifies your mind, Samsa, Berlin, DE.
2009 A knock on the window pane, Galerie Carlos Cardenas, Paris, FR
Calendrier de l‘Âme: Inspiration, CIRCUS, Berlin /
Calendrier de l‘Âme: Expiration Chert, Berlin, DE (collaborative project)
2008 Oursin fossile, Present Future Artissima, invited by d’Aurélie Voltz,Turin, IT
Remind Us That Saturn’s Rings Are Not Eternal, Atelier Cardenas-Bellanger, Paris.
2007 Lunar Odyssey, Beton-Salon, Museums Quartier, Vienna, AT
Group Exhibitions (selected)
2020 Sur pierres brulantes, Triangle France, Manifesta 13 - Les Parallèles du Sud,Marseille, FR
2017 SEEDS/ Something Stronger Than Me, Wiels, Brussels B.
20 Years Show, The Approach, London, UK.
Grasping a Concept is Mastering the Use of a Form, La Casa Encendida, Madrid, SP
2016 The Grand Gestures, FREYMOND-GUTH Fine Arts , Basel, CH
Le bleu de la nuit CCA Andraxt, Mallorca, SP
Conversation autour de la collection Petignat.- Villa Bernasconi, Lancy, CH
Touching surface, touching ground , FREYMOND-GUTH Fine Arts | HARLEM, NY
2015 White Noise, Kunsthaus Glarus, CH
Rotrixagatze, On Stellar Rays, New York, USA
2014 DIZIONARIO DI PITTURA, Francesca Minini, Milan, IT
Occupy Painting, invited by Max Henry, Autocenter, Berlin, DE
2013 SLIP, The Approach, London, UK
Beyond the Object, BrandNew Gallery, Milan, IT
Song of myself, Galleria 1/9unosunove, Rome, IT
2012 Plenitude, cur. Stephan Tanbin Sastrawidjaja, Carl Freedman Gallery, Londres, UK
My Body Is A Cage, Freymond-Guth Fine Arts, Zurich, CH
Archéologie(s), cur. Aurèlie Voltz, Musée du château des ducs de Wurtemberg, Motbéliard,
The Possessed, Triangle France, Marseille, FR
Into the Woods, invited by Daria de Beauvais, La Galerie des Galeries Lafayette,Paris, FR
2011 There are two sides to every coin, and two sides to your faces, Galerie Xippas, Paris,
Lumière Noire – Neue Kunst aus Frankreich, Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe, DE
From Anna Blume, invited by Sandra Teitge, Autocenter, Berlin, DE
2010 HIC - l‘exposition de la forme des idées, Villa Arson, Nice, FR
I can’t forget, but I don’t remember what, Freymond-Guth, Zurich, CH
Cometa rossa, avec Athanasios Argianas et Giulio Frigo, Fluxia Gallery, Milan, IT
Be Yourself, Burning Bridges, New York NY, USA
2009 Antidote 5, sur invitation de Guillaume Houzé, Groupe Galeries Lafayette, Paris, FR
L‘image cabrée, Prix Ricard ,invited by Judicaël Lavrador, Fondation Ricard Paris,FR
Ohne die Anwesenheit von Abwesenheit kein Nichts,CIRCUS, Berlin, DE
2008 MAYDAY, Rental gallery, New York, USA
Visions nocturnes, La galerie, Noisy-le-sec, FR
2007 NIVEAUARLAM , Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT (Cat)
Unsere Affekte fliegen aus dem Bereich der menschlichen Wirklichkeit heraus, Galerie Sandra Bürgel, Berlin
2006 All we ever wanted was Everything, Centre d’art contemporain la Synagogue de Delme, FR
2005 Paris-Londres : le voyage interieur invited by Alex Farquharson & Alexis Vaillant, Espace Electra, Paris, FR (Cat)
2004 Jean-Luc Verna / Raymond Pettibon, invited by Jean Luc Verna, BFAS Blondeau Fine Art Services, Geneva, CH
2003 Floating Bowl, attitudes- espace d‘arts contemporains, Geneva, CH
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson, Nice, FR (Cat)
JLV vous n‘êtes pas un peu beaucoup maquillé ?, invitation de Jean Luc Verna, Galerie Air de Paris, Paris, FR
2002 Salons, boudoirs et antichambres, C.N.E.A.I, Chatou, FR
TigerLand, Frac Basse-Normandie, Caen, FR
We few we happy few we band of brother, C.N.E.A.I, Chatou, FR
2018 Résidence Triangle, Marseille, France, FR
2014 Artists-in-Residence Program, CCA Andratx, Mallorca, SP
2010 David Roberts Art Foundation, Londres, UK
Triangle residence dans le désert de la Tadrart, Sahara Algerien, DZ
2006 Quartier 21, MuseumsQuartier“, Vienne, AT
Residence „la Box“, Bourges, France, FR
2012 Chris Sharp, Critics’ Picks: Les Possédé(e)s,, May
2012 Sophie Bueno–Boutellier, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Langenhagen, Revolver Verlag 2010 Flash Art International, review Laura Schleussner, November–December issue
MAP Magazine, »Arbitrating Space«, by Steven Cairns, issue 21 / Spring
2010 Artforum, review by Marco Tagliafierro
2009 Flash Art International, »Calendrier de l‘Âme«, review d’ Aurelié Voltz, no. 267, July– September issue
Sophie Bueno-Boutellier, Kunstverein Langenhagen, Revolver Publishing, DE
L‘image cabrée / 11è Prix Fondation d‘entreprise Ricard, Fondation Ricard, Paris, FR NIVEAUARLAM, Kunstraum Innsbruck, Innsbruck, AT
La Synagogue de Delme, édition Les presses du réel
Paris-londres : le voyage interieur catalogue
Lee 3 Tau Ceti Central Armory Show, Villa Arson
Work in Public Collections
Collection du Centre national des arts plastiques
Kunsthaus Zurich
Lafayette Anticipation — Fonds de dotation Famille Moulin, Paris